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Abigayle Marks

Cloud Architect & Blockchain Analyst

As a U.S. Army Veteran, Abigayle Marks possess a servant leader mentality. My deep-rooted passion for blockchain and emerging technologies stems from my desire to support people at unparalleled levels.She is passionate about building more inclusive financial systems. Enabling the world to move value like it moves information today.

She is a Cloud Professional focusing on Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) and disruptive financial technology. She designs blockchain presentations, attend conferences, and partake in speaking events through a distributed ledger technology program at the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center.

Her career history is saturated with a host of noteworthy leadership and technology-based achievements. She led and educated 800+ students with the non-profit Cloud Heroes Africa on cloud architecture, blockchain, DeFi, Fintech, and Web3 concepts. She believes in collective power and want to see others grow. Indeed, despite my achievements and keen ability to lead the pack, my fiery passion for blockchain,

DeFi, Fintech, and the plethora of emerging technologies are ignited by their transformative power and ability to deliver financial freedom for all of humanity. As a calculated risk-taker and daredevil of great intellect, She is unafraid to go the distance and fight for radical change.

Abigayle Marks
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