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Coronet Blockchain welcomes Anne Semadeni-George to the Coronet48 Board

Updated: May 30, 2022

I plan on bringing in my expertise on Intercultural Awareness & guiding international clients to success in English Communication.I'm so excited. There's such an upbeat, young and spunky feel to the website's writing. I love it!.”

Ms Anne Semadeni-George, International English Teacher

South Africa, 18 May 2022, Coronet Blockchain Pty Limited today announced Anne Semadeni-George the Coronet48 Board Effectively from 25 May 2022. Ms. Anne Semadeni-George will serve as a member of the Advisory Board. Following the appointment of Ms. Anne Semadeni-George, the Board will comprise 14 directors, 10 of whom are independent.

"Anne has devoted most of her working life to date, pouring herself into equipping business leaders and professionals on grasping a better command and navigation of the English language, particularly within the business context. A number of European and Africa institutions have directly or indirectly utilised her linguistic know-how and cultural best-practice, thanks to her tireless efforts on preparing business leaders to enhance their communication prowess, one session at a time.

A teacher at heart, her unparalleled patience, knows no boundaries, as she carves away like a devout sculpture, the confident speakers that many boardrooms across the globe come to know and respect. Her lived experiences across South India, Malaysia, Europe and other domains, has equipped her with a full immersion that makes her a practical go to when it comes to conflict resolution, high impact presentations, diplomacy, navigating highly complex multi-cultural equations and humanising even the most rigid of business concepts, be it marketing, investor relations or research type thought leadership.

We treasure her wisdom, and appreciate her, as she journeys with us towards realisation of our bold Coronet vision, serving and shaping the Africa long spoken of, by the fore-bearers of a united Africa that trade with itself and other nations, through tech for social good".

Pretty Kubyane COO & Co-Founder of Coronet Blockchain.

Anne Semadeni-George International English Teacher & Intercultural Storyteller with close to 20 years' experience delivering tailored bespoke language offerings to the banking, finance & insurance sectors. Her Swiss clientele portfolio includes: Man Investments, Credit Suisse, UBS, ABB, Essilor & at AXA-XL, whilst international clients included executives & leaders across Europe, Morocco, Japan, Switzerland & Angola.

We are very pleased to welcome Ms. Anne Semadeni-George to our board.

About Coronet48: We’re a digital archive putting a spotlight on Africa facing start-ups, the founders & the impact they're making. Our aim is to shift the spotlight onto Africa focused start-ups. In 2021 our media platforms reached 5.5 million audiences. This traction attracted funders, clients, partnerships etc. Through these media spotlight features, we are extending our platform, for free, to African startups, to lend them our influence.

About Coronet Blockchain:

Coronet Blockchain is A B2B2C Marketplace: that enables African based retailers to source quality authenticated products from vetted manufacturers at lower sourcing costs. We securely track products from Source to Customer: 100% quality requires 100% secure tracking.

Our first use case involves using blockchain to transform Africa's 7 billion USD hair extensions sector. Our focus is using blockchain across Beauty, Fashion & Agriculture supply chains & leveraging blockchain to impact Africa's supply chains.

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